Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why did I create a blog???

I've been asking myself every single day. Look how long it took to post this one since the last post, and I still don't know why!

You know what? I'll just let it run it's course. I am just going to write about "stuffesessess". That's right...just stuff! I can't promise you it'll be interesting or NOT, but I'll be putting it out there for you to see, read, or whatever. It's all coming from "moa" (Is that how you spell it?). From ME head, brain, whatever is cranking up there. I hope it's not empty! Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? hahaha!

All I know is...more cake pop photos to come!

No shame, stop by when you can...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to BLISS! Hawai`i Cake Pops & Truffles, LLC Blog!

Aloha! My name is Erlinda D. My friends and family call me "Erli". My sister, Mel, came home for vacation and hand carried these "cupcake pops" from San Jose, California last October 2009. I thought it was just another fancy lollipop, but it wasn't. It was a miniature cake dipped in melted chocolate that looked like a tiny cupcake on a stick. After that first bite, aaaahhh, BLISS!